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Ghid orientativ in achizitia camerelor de supraveghere pentru exterior

Amploarea extraordinara din ultimii ani din domeniul supravegherii video, precum si interesul din ce in ce mai inalt al consumatorilor au contribuit la diversificarea camerelor de supraveghere. Tot mai multi producatori de echipamente de supraveghere au capatat avant si convins cumparatorii.

Ce aspecte sa urmariti cand selectati camere de supraveghere pentru exterior?

Alta data o prezenta rara in locuintele private, camerele de supraveghere video sunt din ce in ce mai des instalate in locuinte. Ele au caracteristici impresionante si preturi avantajoase. Daca sunteti decis sa instalati camere de supraveghere la exterior, urmatoarele informatii va vor ajuta in procesul de identificare a modelului ideal pentru dvs.

De ce rezolutie aveti nevoie?

Este inutil sa instalati camere de supraveghere daca nu puteti identifica persoana/obiectul surprins de acestea. O camera care captureaza video cu rezolutie 720p va oferi o imagine suficient de clara, dar cu mai putine detalii decat una cu rezolutie 1080p. Acestea din urma nu necesita capacitati mari de stocare si pot fi accesate de pe cele mai multe telefoane smart, tablete si calculatoare.

Veti gasi pe piata si camere de supraveghere care captureaza video cu rezolutie 4K (Ultra HD), dar veti avea nevoie de o conectare la retea sigura pentru a accesa imaginile fara decalaje.

De asemenea, veti avea nevoie de spatiu pentru stocarea imaginilor surprinse, ceea ce va atrage cheltuieli substantiale pentru stocarea in cloud.

instalare camere la exterior

Indiferent de rezolutie, incercati sa alegeti camere cu un camp vast de vizualizare. Urmariti, de asemeni, ca modelele alese sa aiba capacitate de capturare clara a imaginilor pe timpul noptii. Cele mai multe camere de supraveghere folosesc iluminator IR cu LED uri pentru imagini alb-negru pe timpul noptii. Exista, insa, si modele care folosesc lumina alba si ofera imagini color chiar si pe timpul noptii. Cautati camere de supraveghere cu iluminator activ la distanta de minim 20m.

Aveti nevoie de detectia miscarii si a sunetului?

Aproape toate camerele de supravegehere video vin echipate cu senzor de miscare ce va declansa camera pentru a inregistra video doar cand este detectata miscarea. Senzorul poate si trimite alerte pe telefonul smart asociat ori de cate ori este identificat un eveniment suspect. Unele camere pot trimite alerte sub forma de email.

Pentru a optimiza  nivelul de protejare, va puteti orienta catre modele cu detectie de sunet. Aceste camere va pot informa despre prezenta unui intrus atunci cand intrusul se afara in afara unghiului de captare a imaginii sau a senzorului de miscare.

Multe dintre camerele de supraveghere cu microfon pentru detectia de sunet au si difuzor. Astfel, ele permit comunicare audio bi-directionala pentru a putea comunica si asculta cu cei de la exterior.

Cum stocheaza imaginile camerele de supraveghere?

Exista mai multe modalitati prin care camerele de supraveghere vor stoca imaginile surprinse. Multe dintre modelele modern ofera stocare gratuita in cloud pentru un numar limitat de zile (7, de cele mai multe ori), inainte ca imaginile sa fie sterse sau peste care sa fie stocate imaginile noi. Puteti opta pentru abonamente lunare, astfel incat puteti vizualiza imaginile inainte de a le sterge.

Daca sunteti preocupat de intimitate si nu doriti sa stocati imaginile in cloud, puteti achizitiona camere cu stocare pe card microsd. Unele camere permit stocarea pe USB.

Atunci cand nici una dintre metodele anterioare va surade, puteti optat pentru camerele cu stocare continua. Ele inregistreaza si stocheaza imagini in cloud timp de 30 zile, 24 din 24.

Our list of exterior services

Our list of exterior services includes but isn't limited to:

  • plastering
  • tiling
  • wallpaper hanging
  • bathroom fitting
  • home painting
  • decking restoration
  • sash window painting

What to expect when hiring us - a sneak peek

We take on all decorating projects, no matter how basic or complex they may be:

  • we can come at a time of your convenience
  • we arrange for scaffolding, if necessary
  • we come with all the products and equipment for the job
  • we prepare the surfaces before we apply the base coats
  • we apply several topcoats to ensure the most durable finish
professional exterior painters

Hire us for the exterior decorating project of your dreams

Painters and Decorators Banbury have the tools, supplies, and skills to work on various materials, surfaces, and external structures. We have painted all sorts of surfaces, installed every type of wallpaper, etc., with perfect results each time.

Brickwork and masonry

We use the best quality materials, equipment and tools for every residential/office painting service we are hired for.

Doors and windows

Our professional painters and decorators can advise you which paint and styles work best for the exterior of your property, whether it's residential or office/commercial.

Fences and sheds

Our team can come and paint all fences and sheds, leaving a perfect finish that lasts for years.

Fascia and soffits

We know that unsightly fascia and soffits can ruin your home's curb appeal. Let our team take care of them with painting and decorating work.

Signs your house exterior needs professional work from Painters and Decorators Banbury

Our residential painting service can disrupt your daily activities and lead to high spending. Let the professionals take this job out of your hands and give the external walls the care they need. Paint is the first line of defense for your property against the elements. If you don't know when to call our painters and decorators, see if any of the following signs are present with your property.

Wear and Tear

When the paint begins to show signs of wear and tear, it's time to give us a call. Peeling, cracking, and bubbling is the tail tellers that the paint isn't adhering to the house anymore. Moisture has penetrated the paint film and damaged the surface beneath.


Even if faded paint doesn't hide severe damage, but it does alter your home's appearance. Some areas of the property could be more faded than others, so calling us for exterior painting is a wise decision.


Examine the exterior of your home; do you see the house pulling away from door and window frames? If so, your building requires caulking to fill in the gaps. Our painting experts can inspect and see if the moisture has reached the wood and generated severe problems. We include such tasks with our painting and decorating projects.

Cracked caulk

Professionals use caulk to seal the area between the walls and doors, and windows. It's an important step to seal tight your home. In time, even good quality caulk will become brittle, lose its elasticity and eventually crack. Our decorating and painting professionals will insert caulk in missing places and ensure that the results improve your house's appearance.

Are you planning to sell soon?

If you're planning to sell your property in Banbury, we recommend hiring professionals for exterior painting. Such a service will improve the curb appeal and attract buyers. Sit down with a professional to see if the spending for exterior painting is worth it or not.

Call us for a free quote

Painters Decorators Banbury will make the exterior of your building, residential or commercial, look attractive again. We use paints from prestigious brands as we aim for the most durable protection of your exterior walls. Contact our team today to get more answers on our work and free estimation.

Give Your House the Decor It Deserves!
Domestic and commercial painters and decorators in Banbury & Oxfordshire
Sisteme de securitate video

Cel mai mare importator si distribuitor de sisteme de supraveghere video

Tel: 0334.405.358

Asiguram montaj camere supraveghere, acoperire nationala.

Working Hours
Mon - Sat
8am - 7pm

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